Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This picture that I made on Adobe Photoshop, has one main meaning. As the text says, life is to live. You have to try new experiences, live to learn and learn to live. The blue man running toward the rainbow light represents all of the people willing to try out new things, those who never give up and keep going, regardless of what the situation is. The sad eye in the corner looking at the running man symbollizes all of those who have given up after a faliure, watching as others succeed, while they can't help but feel sorry for themselfs. The text in the photo is a quote that I thought suited the picture, since the subject was about life and its experiences. Lastly, the rainbow light represents everyones dreams and hopes. So far away, yet those who try hard enough to reach it, will eventually. It is my first time composing a picture, although it isn't the best, I'm proud to have finished it.

Montage for Photoshop Work Flow

step 1.) open the file you want to use as your background. [make sure its a solid color/image, that makes it easier to work with]

step 2.) set your canvas to the size you want, big sizes are recommended [its easier to shrink a picture, than make it bigger. . . better quality]*

step 3.) even out the picture with the canvas, you wouldn't want a huge canvas and a tiny picture*

step 4.) pick as many images as you want for your collage

step 5.) once you set all of the images to the same size* start thinking of ways to put them together so that they complement each other

step 6.) name the layers if you want [right click the layer, properties, insert the name you prefer.]

step 7.) if your image has a lot of extra space that you don't want, use the "crop" tool, very useful to remove big spaces

step 8.) use the "moving" tool to move the image you want, over to the background layer.

step 9.) if there's STILL more extra space, there are two ways to remove it, use a layer mask, or just erase directly from the layer.

step 10.) to erase, make sure you choose the right sized brush for the situation, if your anxiety on accidentally erasing your image, just lower the opacity of the eraser

step 11.) to use a layer mask you must go to Layer, the Layer mask is the 12th one down the list of options

step 12.) if you use text in your collage, to give it a nicely faded effect use the eraser tool

step 13.) depending on how bold the letters are, change the opacity of the eraser, to give it a nice effect

step 14.) make final adjustments to your collage

step 15.) your done! [don't forget to save!!]

* to change the image/canvas size, go to "image" on the main [grey] tool bar. once you click, it should be the 6th option to change the image size.
follow the same step to change the canvas size, except it is the 7th option.

make sure all of your sizes match up. try to avoid blurriness.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Viviana, I chose your montage because it looked fun and simple in my opinion. Visually I think your montage looks alright, I don't know what the rainbow looking thing is in the middle, but it sure is shiny and fun to look at! I like the message you were trying to give us. Artistically..I'm not sure, your montage is so simple that I'm not certain if it portrays you and the montage at the same time you know? I get what you are trying to say with this image, I just need a little more creativity...

    I'm asking myself if it's amazing or just good, surely it's good because you tried your best to accomplish this assignment. I just feel you tried to rush it a bit, you know? Like you could of done a bit better. But to each it's own, right? The thing that I thought was awesome was how you managed to tell me a story with your reflection, when I was reading it. I managed to think about my current situation and what is needed to be done. Am I the symbol of the blue man striving to move on and give life the best he's got? or am I just the sad eye in the corner, already given up and just going on about life, like some people. I'd like to think I am in between, trying to move on and give it the best I've got, yet at the same time I'm wondering if it's even worth it.

    Your workflow was good, I think I can make the same image with what you wrote as your workflow. The message you were trying to portray, well, let's say I didn't get it until I had to read your blog, then I understood what you were trying to tell us. But overall you did a great job and I'm glad you finished it. Keep doing what you're doing and surely you'll get better! I'm positive.

  3. Vivi, really nice work on the montage you did, I love the message that you gave out to the readers, something that can be a univerasal truth!!! At first I didn't really understand the message but once reading the quote and reading what you had to say about your montage, it was all clear. Now that I look at the montage with the meaning it does make sense, so good job on portraying the meaning to the maontage, came out very well.
    I can really see that there is a true artist in you because I find the image to be very pretty and nice, and very artistic as well. The way that you try to send a message with certain images just shows the kind of imagination that you have, very cool imagination I should say. Though I think that it could of used more images or do more to it you know?, but maybe you thought it was perfect like that so its cool.!!! So yeah, very good on your montage and keep up the imagination going!!!!

  4. Montage Image Manipulation
    Viviana correctly and appropriately uses color correction, selection tools, and retouching tools to manipulate images and layer masks to focus the composition on the subject. Alterations to the image support the origins. She uses her tools on Photoshop very well. She knows how to work around Photoshop and understand the concept of what a montage is. I liked the concept of her montage and the meaning to it, she spoke about it well in her blog.
    Viviana’s montage communicates a story. Montage includes at least three effective image manipulation techniques using color, retouching, selecting, cropping, resizing and so on. Image used in the montage have adequate permissions and/or have been cited correctly. Montage is copyrighter as original material. She communicates her message through her montage clearly. She uses Photoshop to its abilities and she tries hard to make it look awesome.
    Viviana provides 1-2 clearly written paragraphs reflecting on what the student learned and how they used image composition and elements of visual design in the montage. Her workflows were clear and crisp to understand. She knows how to clearly describe how to make something for other people to try and copy the exact same thing, or something of the sort.
