Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Logo Work flow

In order to create an interesting and unique logo, you must know how to manage the basic Photoshop tools and add your own flare to your logo. My logo is for writing, the infinity in the middle of the circle, explains how my imagination keeps going, "true infinity".
This workflow will show you how I made my own logo, although it isn't professional, it’s unique and it describes me in a couple of ways. You can follow this
Tutorial to get a basic logo, then improve it as you go along.

1.) Create a new file

2.) make the size 4 x 6, with a 300 resolution or less, logos are meant to be small, notice it will take time to find the size that fits your picture the way you want it, so you must have patience when doing this

3.) Open the picture that will be the base of your logo, make sure that it doesn’t look too cramped, something simple that brings attention, in my case a circle with a dark background but an outline of blue to catch the viewer's eye

4.) After getting the base, pick a shape of some sort, something that describes you or is hard to forget; again, try not to make it too cramped. Simple and clean is more appealing to the eye; the key is to be the original yet bold.

5.) If the logo seems too bland, outline/highlight any dark spots [not all!], or try to give it a shaded effect by using the eraser tool or figures with a bright color, [brush size 100/blurry, the opacity depends on how faded you wish to make it] make sure though, that goes along with the picture

6.) For that step, outlining part of my logo, I used the Brush tool on the side bar size 9, and a bold shade of magenta to mix with the blue and dark background, yet highlighting it enough to not look too out of place

7.) The outlining will take time and patience...a steady hand too; especially if what you are outlining is really complicated take it one stroke at a time until you reach the look you were trying to achieve

8.) Once your done outlining what you wanted, clean out any extra lines or bumps with the eraser tool, a small size please [preferably 9 or 19]

9.) Another idea for creativity, if you feel that your logo is still a tad too uninteresting, you could give it a nice effect by using a blurry eraser [size 100 or so] giving the design a faded look

10.) Depending on the effect you want to give it, pick your opacity

11.) The lower the opacity the more faded it looks, the higher the opacity, the less blurry it looks

12.) Also, to make the image pop out more, like mine, make the center image bigger. If you're having trouble take the original [or copy] separately, make the size a tad bigger to avoid making it look too cramped, then paste it back to the Photoshop file. It gives it a nice effect that way, and makes it seem fuller

13.) Make any final adjustments (finish moving the shapes around, center what you want to, make your image "cleaner" etc)

14.) You're done! You have now made a simple logo to let yourself be known


  1. I really liked this review :) I kind of..don't think your logo is all that great, you should of focused on a simpler direction in my opinion, the pink brush could have done better you can totally know you kind of butchered it, But I love the color contrast that you have in it though, really pretty. You know "True Infinity" reminds me of "To infinity, and Beyond!" Haha, which I thought was cute. Your workflow is clear and detailed, I CAN make it too. I'd like to see more work from you! and progression as well. :)

  2. Logo Content
    Viviana meets the expectations by communicating the logo and the purpose and goal for person, group, or organization it is designed for. Organization for which to design a logo. She explained that this logo is for a writing company. I kind of understood it because in writing you have no walls, no boundaries to set you back, and it’s just your hand with the pencil and the imagination of your mind. I mean by that the “True Infinity” means writing something that is true to you and just you because you believe in it.
    Logo Print Color
    Viviana creates a logo with a purpose and goal. The logo is n file format and size for print color. Clearly and employs appropriate color theory and design principles. She grasps the idea of making a montage, and not making it look like crap. She understood how the montage was supposed to be, she might have had a slight bit of problem with the size of the picture, but overall she did a really good job. I really liked the color, it was very detailed.
