Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Card Workflow

1.) New file, Width: 1950
Height: 2684
Resolution: 72

2.) To make the front picture which will be used as the cover to your Christmas card, use a separate file, smaller in size of course

3.) Pick the main image of the front cover picture, add a nice background to match the theme of Christmas and make sure to make it happy and colorful, anything else you decide to put should mix in well

4.) You can add clouds, and to make it more into the spirit you can also make it "snow" by using the eraser tool [size 19 full opacity, that's up to you] and making small circles in the background of the image

5.) Once you finish the front image, save it as a JPEG, or PNG to make it a separate image that you can later add onto your Christmas card

6.) Now for the Christmas card, since it will be a four-fold card, meaning that you will fold it four times to make the card, you have to flip the top images, so that the card can fold properly

7.) You add the previous image to the top left corner of the full size card, use ctrl T to flip the image upside-down

8.) Also, you add your logo to the right upper part of the card; make sure that the logo remains small, but still noticeable

9.) After flipping the images to your liking and making sure the images are where you want them start adding text to the bottom of the card, make sure to give a nice font and make it a Christmassy color

10.) Save the image as a PSD, then save a copy as a JPEG or PNG

11.) Your done!

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